Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

May Half Term Fun

Smugglers Adventure is hosting a special ‘creepy crawlies’ trail over the May Half Term Holidays (Saturday, May 28th – Sunday, June 5th).
There will be a trail through the subterranean passageways as well as colouring and wordsearch activities in the underground chapel.
The event takes place in the run up to National Insect Week (June 20th-26th). Taking place every two years, and organised by the Royal Entomological Society, National Insect Week encourages people of all ages to learn more about insects
Over one million species of insects have been described and named worldwide and there are more than 24,000 species in the UK alone.
Smugglers Adventure is home to at least two rare spiders with both the brightly-coloured European cave spider and the false black widow spider living in the underground system.
However visitors to the attraction don’t need to worry, both species are hidden away in a store room not accessed by members of the public.
“Our false widow spiders are rather impressive with intricate orb like nests” said Leanna Lawson.
“Luckily for our guests they like to stay in the store room where it’s nice and quiet” she added.
Meanwhile Hastings Castle will be staging a ‘Kings and Queens Trail’ over the half term holidays. Younger visitors will have to try and discover the famous royals hidden amongst the historic ruins.
All correctly completed trails will be entered in to a draw to win a child’s annual pass to Blue Reef Aquarium, Smugglers Adventure and Hastings Castle.
Hastings Castle is forever linked with the most famous date in English history 1066.
Walk around the ruins of Hastings Castle and explore the cloistered chapel, the East Gate and the Chapter House.
Enjoy the stunning views across the town and out to sea, discover the dungeons carved out of the rock beneath the North Gate and immerse yourself in the fascinating history of Britain’s first Norman castle.

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