Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

5 Things to Do in Hastings with Kids

With its remarkable history and prime position on the beautiful Kent coast, Hastings is a natural fit for day-tripping families with children in tow. Whether you’re on holiday or simply looking for new places to take the kids, the town and its immediate surroundings offer plenty of things to see and do – whatever your … Continued

Guess The Smuggled Items

The 18th century was known as the golden age of smuggling, with pirates, smugglers, and bootleggers hiding contraband items in underground caves, coves, and tunnels to transport them across borders. But how much do you know about the most commonly smuggled items passing through these hidden and secretive operations? From popular drinks like tea and … Continued

How to Speak Like a Pirate

Arrr, me hearty! It’s time to jump on deck and learn the sayings of the likes of Jack Sparrow and Long John Silver – otherwise you’ll be walking the plank, matey. Before we get you hooked on whether or not Polly wants a cracker – here’s a few tips to get your arr’ing on: No … Continued

Summer Fun at Hastings Castle and Smugglers Adventure

Smugglers Adventure and Hastings Castle are encouraging guests to get involved in a host of games and activities over the school summer holidays. Visitors to Smugglers Adventure can take part in the Parrot Quest, answering questions as they explore the caves and caverns, with a chance to win a special gift if they get the … Continued

Hastings Castle home to Pokemon

Hastings Castle is being overrun with the augmented reality characters with no fewer than five spotted among the ruins including Zubat, Diglett, Drowzee and Pidgeotto. They enlisted the expertise of a younger member of the team who confirmed the Castle was now home to a collection of Pokemon characters. Blue Reef Aquarium’s Leanna Lawson said: “Some … Continued

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